Our Mission
 The mission of First Presbyterian Church is to submit to the will of God through committed, disciplined prayer and study of His word, by receiving Christ’s forgiving love, and by serving and loving humanity.  Through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, this love and service includes sharing the Good News through worship, fellowship, evangelism, education, stewardship, and by living and growing daily in a Christ centered life.
     For the majority of the membership in this congregation, our roots run generations deep. For us our church is much more than a building where we come to worship and see friends on Sunday. It is our home and its members our family.
     We are a service-oriented church believing that we serve Christ best when we serve others and this is practiced internally and externally to our church. Our members are diverse in denominational, educational and geographic background and represent a wide variety of occupations and professions. We are open to changes that move us closer to God and improve our church. Much of the direction of our ministry is derived from the command of Jesus to love one another. We feel blessed when we are able to help one another within and outside our church family. We feel secure in who we are as a church body.
     We worship together on Sunday mornings and other special services throughout the year. We feel we do this best through traditional methods of liturgy such as responsive readings, music, scriptures, preaching, and prayer.
     We participate in the sacraments of baptism and communion regularly. We also provide daily and seasonal devotional materials to our members for added personal growth at home.
     We follow the Revised Common Lectionary each Sunday. Services follow a traditional Presbyterian format. Thoughtful reading and interpretation of scripture are the essentials of worship.
     A nursery is provided for children ages 0 through kindergarten, although you are welcome to have your child in the sanctuary during worship if you wish. A children’s time is shared in the service, after which young children are invited to leave the sanctuary and participate in nursery activities.